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  1. Ahmed A, Saqlain S, Rasool A, Muhammad S, Umar S. Avian Influenza Virus (H5N1) Was Not Detected Among Dairy Cattle and Farm Workers in Pakistan. Influenza Other Respir Viruses. 2024 May;18(5):e13317. doi: 10.1111/irv.13317.

  2. Umar S, Kim S, Gao D, Chen P. Evidence of Reverse Zoonotic Transmission of Human Seasonal Influenza A Virus (H1N1, H3N2) Among Cats. Influenza Other Respir Viruses. 2024 Apr;18(4):e13296. doi: 10.1111/irv.13296.

  3. Umar S, Muhammad S, Gao D, Chen P. SARS-CoV-2 Reverse Zoonosis Among Cats in China: A One Health Investigation. Influenza Other Respir Viruses. 2024 May;18(5):e13306. doi: 10.1111/irv.13306.

  4. Wang R, Gao D, Chen P, Mouzahim M, Muhammad S, Weidong Y, Zhongqi Q, Yilmaz A, Yilmaz H, Umar S. Genetic analysis of feline parvovirus reveals predominance of feline parvovirus-G1 group among cats in China. J Vet Med Sci. 2024 Jul 15. doi: 10.1292/jvms.24-0138.

  5. Kim, S., Cheng, Y., Fang, Z. Umar.S. et al. First report of molecular epidemiology and phylogenetic characteristics of feline herpesvirus (FHV-1) from naturally infected cats in Kunshan, China. Virol J 21, 115 (2024).

  6. Kim Semin, Yixi Cheng, Umar S., et al (2024) Molecular epidemiology and phylogenetic analysis of feline calicivirus in Kunshan, China. Virology Journal (in press) DOI: 10.1186/s12985-024-02319-9.

  7. Umar S., Gao, D., Kim, S. et al. Molecular characterization of canine parvovirus type 2 (CPV2) reveals a high prevalence of the CPV2c genotype among dogs suffering from diarrhea. Animal Diseases 4, 1 (2024).

  8. Umar S, Ma MJ, Gray GC. Influenza D virus was not detected among prospectively studied swine farm in multiple provinces of China. Influenza Other Respir Viruses. 2023 Nov 12;17(11):e13223. doi: 10.1111/irv.13223

  9.  Jiazheng Miao, Yikai Ling, Xiaoyuan Chen, Siyuan Wu, Xinyue Liu, Shixin Xu, Umar, S., Benjamin D. Anderson Assessing the Nonlinear Association of Environmental Factors with Antibiotic Resistance Genes (ARGs) in the Yangtze River Mouth, China. Scientific reports (2023), Sci Rep. 2023 Nov 21;13(1):20367. doi: 10.1038/s41598-023-45973-9.

  10.  Umar, S., Yang, R., Wang, X. et al. Molecular epidemiology and characteristics of respiratory syncytial virus among hospitalized children in Guangzhou, China. Virol J 20, 272 (2023)., B.D., Barnes, A.N., Umar, S., Guo, X., Thongthum, T., Gray, G.C. (2023). Reverse Zoonotic Transmission (Zooanthroponosis): An Increasing Threat to Animal Health. In: Sing, A. (eds) Zoonoses: Infections Affecting Humans and Animals. Springer, Cham.

  11. Umar, S; Anderson, B; Chen, K; Gray, G.C. Metagenomic Analysis of Endemic Viruses in Oral Secretions from Chinese Pigs. Veterinary Medicine & Science 2022, 8(5):1982-1992.doi: 10.1002/vms3.869.

  12. Yilmaz, A., Umar, S., Turan, N., Richt J.A., Yilmaz, H, Current scenario of viral diseases of cattle in Turkey and vaccination strategies in cattle Journal of infection in developing countries 2022, 16(8):1230-1242.doi: 10.3855/jidc.14767

  13. Wang, X.; Wang, D.; Umar, S.; Qin, S.; Ling, Q.; Gray, G. C.; Liu, Y., Molecular typing of human adenoviruses among hospitalized patients with respiratory tract infections in a tertiary Hospital in Guangzhou, China between 2017 and 2019. BMC Infectious Diseases 2021, 21, (1), 748

  14. Cizmecigil, U. Y.; Umar, S.; Yilmaz, A.; Bayraktar, E.; Turan, N.; Tali, B.; Aydin, O.; Tali, H. E.; Yaramanoglu, M.; Yilmaz, S. G.; Kolukisa, A.; Sadeyen, J.-R.; Iqbal, M.; Yilmaz, H., Characterisation of Fowl Adenovirus (FAdV-8b) Strain Concerning the Geographic Analysis and Pathological Lesions Associated with Inclusion Body Hepatitis in Broiler Flocks in Turkey. Journal of Veterinary Research 2020, 64, (2), 231-237

  15. Yilmaz, A.; Turan, N.; Bayraktar, E.; Tali, H. E.; Aydin, O.; Umar, S.; Cakan, B.; Sadeyen, J. R.; Baigent, S.; Iqbal, M.; Nair, V.; Yilmaz, H., Molecular characterisation and phylogenetic analysis of Marek's disease virus in Turkish layer chickens. British Poultry Science 2020, 61, (5), 523-530.

  16. Umar S. , O. H., Bayraktar E. , Ozturk Gurgen H. , Sigirci B.D. , Satir E. , Ozkan K. , Turan N. , Yilmaz A. , Gurel A. , Ak S. , Cetinkaya B. , Yilmaz H., First report on the molecular detection, phylogeny, virological and pathological investigations of Avibacterium paragallinarum in chickens in Turkey. Medycyna Weterynaryjna 2020, 74, (4), 226-231

  17. Yilmaz, A.; Umar, S.; Turan, N.; Aydin, O.; Tali, H. E.; Oguzoglu, T. C.; Yilmaz, H.; Richt, J. A.; Ducatez, M. F., First report of influenza D virus infection in Turkish cattle with respiratory disease. Research Veterinary Science 2020, 130, 98-102

  18. Bayraktar, E.; Umar, S.; Yilmaz, A.; Turan, N.; Franzo, G.; Tucciarone, C. M.; Cecchinato, M.; Cakan, B.; Iqbal, M.; Yilmaz, H., First Molecular Characterization of Avian Metapneumovirus (aMPV) in Turkish Broiler Flocks. Avian Diseases 2018, 62, (4), 425-430

  19. Bayraktar, E.; Umar, S.; Yilmaz, A.; Turan, N.; Yilmaz, H., Current scenario of viral diseases in Turkish poultry industry. World's Poultry Science Journal 2019, 75, (4), 515-534.

  20. Yaqoob, M.; Wang, L. P.; Kashif, J.; Memon, J.; Umar, S.; Iqbal, M. F.; Fiaz, M.; Lu, C. P., Genetic characterization of phenicol-resistant Escherichia coli and role of wild-type repressor/regulator gene (acrR) on phenicol resistance. Folia Microbiol (Praha) 2018, 63, (4), 443-449